Openin hours

The opening hours of the AMZS Karting and motorsports center are flexible. You can see the detailed schedule or the occupancy on a particular day in the calendar. Rental of karts for recreational rides is possible during the time marked "rent a kart".

We invite you to call us at 051 495 644 or write to us at and together we will find an appointment that suits you.

  Go-kart rental
(from 15. 3. until 15. 11.)
Training with your own go-karts or motorbikes
(from 1. 3. until 15. 11.)
  wednesday–saturday sundays and holidays wednesday–saturday
march 16.00–18.00 9.00–18.00 9.00–16.00
april 16.00–18.00 9.00–18.00 9.00–16.00
may 16.00–20.00 9.00–20.00 9.00–16.00
june 16.00–21.00 9.00–21.00 9.00–16.00
july 16.00–21.00 9.00–21.00 9.00–16.00
august 16.00–20.00 9.00–20.00 9.00–16.00
september 16.00–18.00 9.00–18.00 9.00–16.00
october 16.00–18.00 9.00–18.00 9.00–16.00


In case of rain, the go-kart cannot be rented.

For larger groups, bookings and arrangements can be made outside opening hours.


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