Driving with companion

Driving with a companion is considered as practical preparation for the final driving test. It is not a substitute for regular and mandatory hours of practical training in a driving school, but it complements it very effectively. With an experienced companion in the passenger seat, a beginner driver can gradually gain knowledge; he learns driving maturity from the companion, gathers experience and acquires driving habits. It is, of course, crucial that the chaperone is a responsible person who would like to teach his student above all about safe driving and proper behavior in traffic.

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Who can drive with a companion?

Candidates who are older than 16 and meet the following conditions:

  • have completed the theoretical part of the training for category B motor vehicle drivers at the driving school;
  • have passed the theoretical part of the driving test;
  • have completed the practical part of the training at the driving school.

Additional conditions are that their driver's license is not revoked, that they are not subject to the imposed sanction of a ban on driving a motor vehicle of a certain type or category, that they are not subject to the security measure of revocation of their driver's license, that the sanction of the termination of the validity of their driver's license is not imposed on them, and that they do not have any road traffic penalty points in their records (if they already have a driver's license to drive motor vehicles of another category).

Anyone who meets all the above conditions can drive a passenger car with a companion until they pass the driving test for driving category B motor vehicles, but only for a maximum of two years from the entry of the companion in the driver's license record and the driving record card (EK – evidenčni karton).

Who can be a companion?

The companion can be one of the parents, adoptive parents, guardians, foster parents or another person who meets the following conditions:

  • must be at least 27 years old;
  • must have a valid category B driver's license for at least five years;
  • no more than five penalty points have been imposed on him;
  • resides in the Republic of Slovenia;
  • must be entered in the candidate's record card (EK – evidenčni karton), and the vehicle must have an L plate (mark on a green background) while the candidate is driving.

Enrollment is carried out by the examination center (IZ – izpitni center) when it determines that the conditions have been met. Before enrolling a companion into the driver's record card (EK – evidenčni karton), the examination center must provide the accompanying person with appropriate instructions.

A person under the age of 18 may be accompanied by another person, if parents, guardians, adoptive parents or foster parents agree to this in writing. If the companion is another person, he can train no more than two people in a period of five years.

When driving a motor vehicle, the person must have a driving record card (EK – evidenčni karton) and a valid medical certificate, and the companion must have a valid driver's license for driving category B vehicles. These documents must be handed over to the police officer for inspection upon request.

The chaperone is responsible for the safety of the ride and for the offense committed by the person training with the chaperone unless he could not have prevented it.

Table L

All the time the future driver is driving with a companion, the car must be equipped with a prescribed plate of square shape (and size of at least 12 x 12 cm) in green color with the letter "L" in white.

You can buy an L plate at the AMZS Driving School and other AMZS centers in Slovenia.

Payment of the administrative fee

Driving with a companion does not represent any additional costs for the candidate (or companion), except for the one-time payment of the administrative fee when the companion is entered in the driver's license record and in the driving record card (EK – evidenčni karton) at the administrative unit (UE – Upravna enota).

5 tips for accompanying young drivers:

1. Teach defensive driving to young drivers.

2. Turn off distracting factors - radio and mobile phone etc.

3. Monitor young drivers in a variety of driving conditions.

4. Stay calm - even when stressful moments arise.

5. Take your time and plan for frequent rides.

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